I have been to Flagstaff a few times now and I'm not sure why I like it so much. It's a small little college town nestled in the Arizona mountains and I find it adorable. Earlier this year the hubby was traveling a lot for work so not only was I down my traveling buddy I was also getting pretty stir crazy.

As I was brainstorming how to fix this problem I decided a road trip needed to happen and it worked out that one of my sisters-in-law was able to come with me. Actually as I type this, I'm reminded another road trip is in order with all of my sisters-in-law (ladies, we need to get on that!)...anyway, it was decided that we'd take a day trip to Flagstaff and stop at the Petrified National Forest/Painted Desert on the way.

I had been to both national parks before as a kid, but they weren't at all like I remembered them. Not a bad thing, just different. It's interesting to go back to a place you only have a childhood memory of and see how differently you view things as a child. We stopped and explored for a bit, went on a mini hike and had a picnic, then went onward to Flagstaff.

Flagstaff felt quick. We didn't want to get back home super late so dinner didn't happen, which I think is part of its charm. It has a fun nightlife feel to the town, so we missed out a little, but we really weren't hungry and were ready to head back.

However, while we were there we stopped at a couple of coffee shops, both charming with great atmosphere's. I can't speak to the coffee, but the chai I had was yummy. We explored and walked the town stopping in shops, checking out some antique stores and hunting down all of the building murals-they had some pretty impressive artwork.

The time flew by, but it was the perfect dose of getaway and change of scenery I was needing and I thoroughly enjoyed some quality time with my sister-in-law and had wonderful conversations.