Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hubby meets one of my forever favorite places


I could say so much about this small but mighty state. I love its people, not just because it's home to just shy of my entire family, I love its mountains and the outdoor adventure that awaits, maple everything, cider donuts- heck just cider anything, smokey cheese, fireflies in the summer, leaves in the fall, fresh air in the mornings, even the smell (Vermonters will understand), creemees-enough said. I have so many wonderful memories spending time with family in one of my favorite states. I was overdue for another visit, however, this time I brought along the hubby! Yep, that's right, it was time for all of the extended family to finally meet my guy and show him around this state I love so much.

Though sadly I didn't take near as many pictures as I should have, therefore leaving out several memorable days, I figured it would be easiest to do a photo drop:

Our trip actually started in NYC at 4 am during a nine hour layover. Oh hello Empire State Building!

Clay shooting (Thanks again!). To say hubby was excited would be an understatement!

Had to take hubby to Ben & Jerry's for a tour (Their birthplace is in Vermont!).

I'm lucky to have an uncle who loves hiking as much as I do. This year he took us to Lake Willoughby. The views were breathtaking and the company was pretty fabulous as well.

Our view while on a bike ride. Not too shabby!

Hubby's first creemee! Oh how us west coast folks are seriously missing out!

Had to throw this in there since we've now seen both the Canadian and French version of the Notre Dame.

Walked through more of the city of Montreal, Canada than anticipated to find the stairs that lead to this view at the top of Mount Royal. Worth it!

Family-thanks for putting up with us and my insistence on seeing everyone. It was wonderful seeing each and every one of you, and a huge joy to have you all finally meet my guy. You made this girl's trip!
Vermont- thanks for being a lovely host as always.

Oh- in case you were wondering...Hubby passed the family test with flying colors :)

Until next time...


I've never seemed to have been able to completely jump on the journaling bandwagon. I've had bouts here and there with excitement and all of the best intentions to write down my thoughts, experiences, adventures, etc. only to be met with a sincere lack of motivation and forgetfulness to continue and my dreams just as quickly fizzle into only a thought.

Well, I'm hoping to change that! As an avid blog reader for several years now, I thought blogging could be a fun way to finally write down and document those thoughts, experiences and adventures that I always wanted to.

So here we are with introductions: I'm a simple girl, married to one heck of a guy and mom to two furry sidekicks who loves adventures of all sorts. While I'll most likely use this platform to write about those adventures in detail, don't be surprised if I also use it to ramble about life happenings and the sorts.

Until next time...