This year we decided to make it a tradition and head up to hubby's grandparents house again for the weekend. Something about good company, log cabins, small towns and celebrations I just can't refuse! Though we had to miss the parade this year since we wanted to be back home for some pool time and fireworks, we still enjoyed a wonderful weekend in the mountains. The pups were in absolute paradise! Picture the stereotypical dog galloping through the long grass and open fields and you've captured Izzy perfectly. Ry was a little more conservative and unsure of the taller-than-him grass but he still appreciated the off-leash opportunities to roam free.
We were hoping to get in a hike as well, but monsoon season has already begun in Pagosa so we nixed it this time and settled for our morning and evening walks with the pups instead. We did still get the opportunity to explore town, however. Every Saturday, at least during the summer, Pagosa Springs' offers a farmers market. We've only been for the weekend of the 4th but have enjoyed it both years. It also features live music, making it a great place to stop and have a bite to eat. We also enjoyed the arts and crafts fair, which they also bring in for the weekend along with a mini carnival.
Lunch was fulfilled with my year-long anticipation for some Black Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream! This stuff is so, so good and I was ecstatic when we popped in to find they indeed had it again this year. We also stopped at Pagosa Bakery Company where we had some desserts and local chai tea. Lunch of champions folks! We savored every bite.
Next year I think some water rafting is definitely in order.
Pagosa was the perfect dose of nature with a side of small town we were hoping for. Until next time, Pagosa.

Off we go!

The cutest homemade tic-tac-toe game on the side of the road for anyone to enjoy. In case you were wondering, I won this game ;).

We also checked out the Pagosa Springs museum. If you're in town it's worth a quick pit stop, and it's free! It features history of their pioneer days with most of the exhibits including articles from Pagosa itself.

Home to the Black Cherry Vanilla ice cream. It didn't disappoint.

I'll leave you with my favorite picture of Izzy to date, because she's so cute.
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