All of the changes probably warrant a blog post in and of itself, but I will save that for another day. Today I thought I would rekindle my love of the #FBF posts and bring us back to the holidays.
The hubby and I were fortunate to sneak in a little getaway after Christmas where we headed off to Manitou Springs, Colorado. We spent the week in a sweet Bed & Breakfast right there at the start of town.
I had been to the area before, but pre-hubby so we got to experience a lot of new things. First up: Pike's Peak.
We drove Pike's Peak up as far as we could along the winding road. It was closed at the very top due to windy conditions, which if you look VERY closely in the above picture, that white stuff in the sky above the mountain is snow dust.
We were a bit bummed we couldn't make it all the way up. We'd love to return someday in the summer to get the full experience!
Next up was Snowmobiling! This had been something both of us had been wanting to do for a while and seemed like the perfect time to get it crossed off the list. So. Much. Fun! The prices were really reasonable, we had a great guide and were able to do a mix of follow the leader and basically joy ride in the middle of a huge meadow.
For dinner we stopped at the Airplane Restaurant, which is exactly what it sounds like. It was one of the best flights I think I've taken! Certainly the best airplane food I've ever eaten! ;)
We also decided to go crazy and tackle the Manitou Springs Incline. I'm not really sure what we were was HARD...but the thrill at the top knowing we made it was just as worth I knew it would be. So, yes, I think I would do it again. Next time in the summer though when there's no snow on the back trail. That was a whole other story.
Later, we decided to check out Cave of the Winds. It was definitely worth it if your there, just to get a feel for and explore all of the different things nature has to offer in the area. We've done Carlsbad Canyons in New Mexico before which are pretty impressive, so these ones were pretty small by comparison but a cool story nonetheless.
The views of the town at night though were pretty stunning.
Finally, before we headed out of town we couldn't leave without making a pit stop at Garden of the Gods. I had been once before, but it was hubby's first time seeing them. It's such a wonder to me how we have some of the beauty we have in this world-this place being one of them.
Well...that's a wrap, friends! Next time you're in the area be sure to stop by Manitou Springs, it's a quaint little town with lots to explore and just enough relaxation.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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