We rented a UTV (above). Best. Decision. Ever. We explored a trail called Fins N Things and found the level of difficulty and views perfect for what we were looking for. It had just the right amount of puddles as well. To surprise us, the hubs decided he needed to drive through a puddle as fast as he could during one lap. Let's just say by the end of the cruise, hubby's shirt was no longer that color yellow, except for under where his seat belt lays. I'm pretty sure my helmet still has leftover stubborn red dirt that just won't come out. But when all you hear are two teenage boys giggling like the best of them from the seats behind you-you smile and call it worth it.
We visited Arches National Monument, Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point. While I fully admit to being biased here, I have the best family in the world. A road trip with the hubs and two of my brothers could not have been more grand! From non-stop puns and singing at the top of your lungs (<--yay to rhyming), to crazy antics and red dirt stains to two boys sticking their heads out the windows with mouth's open wide-just because (indeed this happened-pictured below), lots-I mean lots of giggles, we capped the weekend off in style and I couldn't have asked for better company!
If you have never been to Utah, or never heard of any of these locations, you are seriously missing out! I was blown away with the natural beauty from each location we went to.
I believe it was at Dead Horse Point (pictured above) where we had an "electric" experience. There was a storm coming in and it was so close my hair, and that of a gentleman we were talking to started standing on end. As we passed under a metal structure, we could hear the humming working it's way through the structure. I had never in my life experienced something like that! While it was cool, we booked it to shelter ASAP!
That aside, It was without a doubt one of the prettiest things I have seen. An absolute masterpiece. From the colors to the shapes and the vastness at each spot and the silence-to just being in nature and soaking it up, it only improved as we moved forward.
What I saw here is more of what I was hoping/expecting to see from the Grand Canyon years prior. Any words I find to try to sum this trip up, do it a sincere injustice. All I can say is make Moab a must see destination on your bucket list. It's that good. Though the pictures also don't do it justice, they are better than any words I would drum up.

Notice the stain :)
Utah never ceases to amaze me with the beauty it holds inside of that state. Each place so different but incredibly breathtaking! I will make it a mission to get us to Zion and Bryce Canyon one of these days. Why does this world have to be so big?
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