Our weekend started out Friday evening with breakfast for dinner with my in-laws. The hubby and I used to do breakfast for dinner quite a bit when we were dating, and somehow it got completely lost along the way. It was definitely a good throwback and dessert was spoon fulls of peanut butter with chocolate chips, it definitely hit the spot. My love for peanut butter is a little ridiculous...however, I think I may have met my match! My father-in-law just might like it more than I do. For those who know me well, THAT is saying something!
Saturday we hit the road about 1 pm with a crew to head out to White Sands National Monument. I've been to White Sands a few times now, but had never been during sunset and had recently seen some amazing pictures of it and just had to put it on our list. We would've left earlier, but in an effort to allow as many people an opportunity to come as possible, we waited until later in the day. On the way out we stopped at Sparky's to get our green chile hamburger fix (so good!) and then continued on to White Sands.
We arrived at about 6:30 pm and the park closes at 8 pm. I wish we would have had more time in the park to play and hang out, but we made the most of our short time there and the sunset was quite beautiful. We were also treated to some pretty spectacular storm clouds off in the distance that displayed some great colors and lightening as well. I do think that White Sands at sunset is my favorite so far. We decided that camping was the next thing that needed to happen there. A full moon over the dunes I bet is gorgeous and the sunrise I'm sure is pretty stunning as well. As a side note, you'll notice a lot of vegetation in my pictures throughout this post. We didn't go very deep into the monument in an effort to take advantage of as much time in the dunes as possible. The further in you go, the more desolate it becomes and the views get more impressive.
In case you're curious, camping is allowed in the dunes. You have to backpack a mile in to the dunes before you can set up your campsite but it's allowed. There is obviously no water or facilities around so you'll want to be sure to plan accordingly. For those who haven't been to the monument, it gets really hot during the summer month's so you'll want to plan for that as well. There is no such thing as bringing too much water, and bringing a saucer to slide down the dunes is great entertainment and work far better in this type of sand than they did at the Great Sand Dunes. We were thinking spring and fall would be a great time to re-visit for a camping trip.
Because we left later in the day, we didn't get back until pretty early Sunday morning-hence why waking up this morning was a struggle. Sunday was spent relaxing and recouping from the trip with a late evening motorcycle ride with the hubs just before sunset. It was a gorgeous evening last night both in temperature and in beauty, which made for a pretty great ride. We don't seem to get out on the bike nearly enough these days, so it was a nice change. We came back to spend the evening with my seester with a side of much needed quality time. Though our lives are both pretty busy, I'm trying to cherish the time we have with her while she's staying with us.
That pretty much sums up our weekend! It flew by in a flash, but was certainly memorable.
Have a wonderful week friends!
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