As has become tradition, let's jump into #FBF, this time we're off to Uganda!

Uganda was special for me for far too many reasons to explain. The year after Peru was a bit of a crazy blur for me and didn't allow for any international traveling, or really any traveling for that matter! Uganda was my re-introduction to travel, which also marked the first time I was able to see my sister in about a year-and- a-half. She was working there through the Peace Corps and I was missing her fiercely!

Uganda for me opened my eyes to new ways of life, to simplicity, time slowing down, being grateful for the life we live-it is truly precious and so much more. The only person who will ever truly understand not only my time but also my feelings that accompanied this trip would be my dear sissie- pants. Though short, my time spent in Uganda and getting reacquainted with my sister will forever be one of my all-time most valued trips.

Monkeys just hang out on roofs of hotels!
Because this trip involved more time spent just living, most of the pictures I took were on our safari. Prepare to re-live all of your Lion King dreams! To say it was amazing is a massive understatement. I adore zoo's, but will never fully look at them the same.

Baboons. Sneaky, and aggressive little things.

The darker the giraffe, the older it is. Who knew?

Though herbivore's, hippos are actually some of the deadliest animals. They are quite protective and aggressive.

Ugandan national bird.

Other than just spending time with my sister, I think my other favorite memory was receiving a chicken! I SO wish I had had the sense to grab my camera when Director (my sister's boss) walked in with a live chicken to gift me. Unfortunately, I was too preoccupied that I was being given a live chicken and wasn't sure if I was supposed to pet it, take it from him or who knows what, that I don't have any pictures of that gem of an experience. Once I got over the shock of it all, I settled with a pet on the head (in case you were wondering). I don't know if that was what I was supposed to do, but it's all I could think of. Come to find out, receiving livestock is really an honor as that's their source of food. I was privileged to say the also became dinner... I'm glad I didn't name it.

Sissie-pants- thank you for bringing me into your world and sharing with me your passion and love for this country you love so much! Though simple and unexpected, the ride in the back of the truck will always remain close to my heart.

Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa-I'd say that sums it up quite nicely!
Have a wonderful weekend friends.
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