Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Our Second Anniversary!

Hey, hey! I didn't plan to write anything for this week, as we are currently soaking up the sun on a little getaway (details to come). But today just so happens to be our anniversary, and I just discovered the scheduling function on the blog-BONUS!

I found my thoughts kind of drifting and bouncing all over the place. You'd think an anniversary would bring about nothing but happy thoughts, but instead I found myself thinking more along the "deep and sappy" side of things. Sorry in advance-but hey-at least I'm warning you!

I don't think today's post will make any logical sense, but it's where my mind went-and it's also pretty lengthy, so this is what you get:

I don't know where the time has gone! Some days it feels like just yesterday, other days I feel like two years should really be more like five. Either way, if time decided to slow down, I think I'd be okay with that.

I am absolutely not claiming to have this marriage thing down whatsoever. Nor do I think I am really suitable for any kind of advice. Most days I probably fly by the seat of my pants. I'd be lying if I said that marriage is easy. It certainly has it's days that are much harder than others and you really do have to quite literally "work" at it. It changes daily and moods can be a bear to figure out and get out of, but so important if you don't want to drag each other down-which is a lot easier than you'd think. Hubby I think puts it best when he says marriage is like a magnifier. When things are good, marriage can make things really good; when things are bad, marriage can make things appear to be really bad.

Finding and keeping your happy 100% of the time is a pointless endeavor and nothing but a fairy-tale picture society tries to paint, so don't even try. To think that your love for one another will continue to keep you happy and give you constant butterflies is also just silly, nor is it what love is supposed to be/do and too large of a task to even ask of the other person. It is not their job, nor is it fair.

When I sit down and look at the world that surrounds our little sphere, I can't help but feel truly blessed in every sense of that word. By most standards I think people would say we have things pretty darn good and have been way beyond lucky with what life has thrown at us, how well we get along and in most cases are pretty well sync'd up. For two people who in many ways couldn't be the furthest of opposites, I find us to also be so unusually similar.

I struggle sometimes with the thought that there is only "one" person out there for you, but then I look at my hubs and think, yes, God knew exactly what he was doing, and I really couldn't imagine being paired with anyone BUT him. For that, I will always be eternally grateful.

There is absolutely no perfect individual. We are all flawed beyond belief, but I still truly believe that the hubs is the right kind of perfect for me. We have our struggles just like the next couple, but man, do I LOVE that man! I always thought it was such a cliché when people said "I love you more today than I did on our wedding day," but I get it now (though I still think it's cliché).

That man can make me laugh like no-one else, brings so much joy into my life and is a pretty phenomenal friend that I'm also fortunate enough I get to call him hubby. I think he often gets razzed (since he's the guy and it's society's way of being nice towards us women), that he's the "lucky" one. I can assure you, you all have it wrong.

Two years may be nothing to many, but two years has meant the world to me. Happy anniversary, my love! I look forward to next year's adventures.

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